
Apografi(Inventory management system) is a Web-Application system for tracking inventory levels, orders, sales and deliveries.It can also be used in the manufacturing industry to create a work order, bill of materials and other production-related documents. Companies use inventory management software to avoid product overstock and outages. It is a tool for organizing inventory data that before was generally stored in hard-copy form or in spreadsheets.

Project description

Inventory management software is made up of several key components, all working together to create a cohesive inventory for many organizations' systems. These feature

Funtional Area

Dashboard : Where you can track Process ,Product stock, Raw Stock, Daily Issue, Daily Sell and many more.

Item Master : Can add item that required in process of making product.

Product Master: Can add new introduced product

Sub Product : Can add sub product of the perticular product

Process: Can start making of product by defining items and measurement of item

Godown: Number of Godowns.

Raw Stock : Maintain the stock of items.

Product Stock: Maintain the product stock.

Issue :Issue the product by process or manually.

Selling: .Sell your products and generate bill in excel,pdf, and word.

Wastage: Track the wastage genrated when processing of product.

Reports: Support of every report in excel,pdf and word file or monthly report.

Quick Report:Provide every report at the moment of day selected.

Order Management

Should inventory reach a specific threshold, a company's inventory management system can be programmed to tell managers to reorder that product. This helps companies avoid running out of products or tying up too much capital in inventory.

Service management

Companies that are primarily service-oriented rather than product-oriented can use inventory management software to track the cost of the materials they use to provide services, such as cleaning supplies. This way, they can attach prices to their services that reflect the total cost of performing them.

Inventory optimization

A fully automated demand forecasting and inventory optimization system to attain key inventory optimization metrics such as :

Daily Report : Generate Sells Report,Stock Report, and Raw Stock of today.

Monthly Report : Generate Sells Report,Stock Report, and Raw Stock Report on monthely basis.

Quik Report: Generate report by date selection


- Apografi can be run on any device such as Smart phone, Laptop, tablet, Desktop

- You'll spend less time on inventory control, and reduce understock and overstock.

Minimum System Requirements

Device : Desktop/Laptop/Smart Phone

Operating System : Any

Ram : 1 GB

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